The prevalence of binge eating disorder symptomology in medical students from a Mexican university

Keywords: medical students, feeding and eating disorders, binge eating, mexican population


Binge eating disorder is the most prevalent eating disorder in Latin America. An important risk factor is stress which can modify eating habits and this predominates medical student´s life. Objective: compare the prevalence of binge eating episodes, the symptomology of binge eating disorder and other eating disorders among medical students from a Mexican university. Materials and methods: a cross-sectional comparative study was conducted among two representative samples, one of first grade and the other of last grade medical students. We applied the instruments: SCOFF and QEWP-5 test. It was realized descriptive statistics analysis of simple frequencies and prevalence through SPSS 25.0. Results: it was observed a high prevalence of symptomology associated to binge eating disorder (12%), this was higher in last year students (17.1%) and there is a downward trend in symptomology of the other eating disorders over time, there was no difference in the SCOFF test results at comparing both groups. Conclusion: symptomology associated to binge eating disorder is more prevalent in last grade medical students, due the impact, it is therefore recommended to implement prevention strategies.


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How to Cite
Bárcenas Torres, M. F., Gómez Landeros, O., Granados Cosme, J. A., Alonso Altamirano, A., & Aguilar Sandoval, L. R. (2023). The prevalence of binge eating disorder symptomology in medical students from a Mexican university. DIVULGARE Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Actopan, 10(19), 25-30.