Qualitative Evaluation in Women Victims of Intimate Partner Violence

A Historical-Cultural Perspective

Keywords: Neuropsychology, Partner violence, Forensic Neuropsychology, Gender Violence, Cultural Historical Neurpsychology, Qualitative Assesment


Partner violence is a problem faced by at least 43.9% of women in Mexico, although it could be higher, since many women do not report it (INEGI, 2017). Among some consequences of violence are: injuries, sexually transmitted infections, miscarriage, depression, anxiety, insomnia, stress, or death (World Health Organization [WHO], 2023). And effects have been seen on the neuropsychological functioning of women (García Rueda & Jenaro, 2019). However, in Mexico there is little information in this regard despite the widespread problem of partner violence in the country. This study seeks to describe the qualitative neuropsychological characteristics of women who have experienced violence; and relate the neuropsychological characteristics with the experiences that women victims of intimate partner violence usually have. For the neuropsychological evaluation, NEUROPSI was used, qualitative observations were made and the frequency of symptoms was established. It was observed that the most frequent symptoms are related to Programming and Control and Sequential Organization of Movements and Actions; in less quantity, symptoms related to Visuospatial Analysis and Synthesis were found. It was inferred that the observed symptoms may arise from certain violent experiences with their partners. For example, that planning problems may reflect "maladaptive" ways of dealing with the violence situation; perseverations can be ways of dealing with the cycle of violence; and inhibitory difficulties may be because responses that feel right are often generated in dangerous situations. The neuropsychological symptoms that have been observed are related to the experiences of violence, and could be considered as adaptive effects, or "maladaptive" for the traditional evaluation.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Ipiña, I., Rivera Valdez, L. D., & López Cortés, V. A. (2023). Qualitative Evaluation in Women Victims of Intimate Partner Violence. DIVULGARE Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Actopan, 10(20), 19-29. https://doi.org/10.29057/esa.v10i20.11053