Companies under the human rights approach: a pending social responsibility

Keywords: Companies, Human Rights, Social Responsibility, Sustainable Development


In the present essay, an analysis of the companies is carried out in their relationship and contribution to human rights, the social responsibility they assume, and the possible violations to them in the performance of productive and industrial activities, as well as in the unrestricted compliance with the applicable current regulations in labor relations and their contribution to sustainable development considering the use and exploitation of natural resources mainly, national and international legislation as well as jurisdictional and non-jurisdictional agencies in the framework of care, monitoring, and sanction according to the case.


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How to Cite
Callejas Téllez, A. (2023). Companies under the human rights approach: a pending social responsibility. DIVULGARE Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Actopan, 11(Especial), 24-29.