Music for Cello by Ruben Montiel:

Cataloging, Review and Publication

Keywords: Latin American Music, Musical Heritage, Mexican Music, Mexican Cellists


The following paper includes a brief biographical description of the Mexican musician Ruben Montiel and his legacy, that includes numerous manuscripts, journalistic notes, photographs and personal objects. The previous cataloging of his musical pieces carried out by the researchers Dorantes and Salmerón (2002 and 2009) and the most recent and updated one, developed in the Ph. D. Thesis by Santillan (2022), is addressed. Due to the valuable contribution that the author provided as an international performer and composer, the need arises to create the Ruben Montiel Reserved Fund, to rescue its cultural heritage. Currently this work is coordinated with the Historical Archive of the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo, which intends to carry out, in the future, the digitization of its musical pieces for dissemination in national and international educational and cultural institutions, which can provide new elements of studio for performers and researchers interested in their artistic creation.


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How to Cite
Martínez Martínez, M. E. (2024). Music for Cello by Ruben Montiel:. MAGOTZI Boletín Científico De Artes Del IA, 12(24), 55-60.