Sound Art, Confluences Between Visual Arts and Music

  • Jesús Arreguín Zozoaga Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Keywords: sound art, electronic music, sound landscape, performance, visual arts


The expansion of human communication raised considerably in the 20th Century with the advent of radio communication, basically during the 40’s and 50’s. The technological innovations displayed in radio stations were somehow a trigger for creative experimentation among certain post-war composers, leading to new artistic proposals in the field of sound perception, formal estructure of music and the appreciation of art claimed years behind by the Futurism. In Radio France in Paris Pierre Schaeffer introduced and processed the sounds of nature along with synthetic sounds produced with the station’s equipment, thus generating the concept of Concrete Music. Some composers developed sheer electronic pieces, and most of them elaborated either technical or electroacoustic hybrids. From these production processes some deviations and music genres emerged in the experimental and popular scopes as well as the performance, besides the so-called Sound Art, which is the focus of this research, and which had its origin in the early 80’s. This work develops from the elaboration of creative projects of Art students and their relation with music.


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How to Cite
Arreguín Zozoaga, J. (2018). Sound Art, Confluences Between Visual Arts and Music. MAGOTZI Boletín Científico De Artes Del IA, 6(12).