Ron Mueck and the traumatic illusion of what is missing

  • Israel García Plata Instituto de Artes
Keywords: hyperrealism, sculpture. ron mueck.traumatic illusion, emptying


The following essay aims to offer an approach from aesthetics and art theory to the experience of hyperrealism in sculpture. We are particularly interested in this series of reflections hyperrealism in the sculpture of Australian artist Ron Mueck. The ideas that we have used involve the appreciations of Hal Foster, Ana María Guasch and Craig Raine. It is from these authors that we approach the experience of hyperrealism sculpture as a unique aesthetic experience in which an operation takes place that sets the viewer in front of an emptying of symbolic character, confronting him with unbeatable appearance of the perceived sculpture, and becoming, therefore, in a traumatic illusion of something that is missing.


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Foster, H. (2001): El retorno de lo real. La vanguardia a finales de siglo. Trad. Alfredo Brotons Muñoz. Ed. Akal. España.

Guasch, A. M. (2002): El arte último del siglo XX. Del postmodernismo a lo multicultural. Ed. Alianza Forma. España.

Raine, C. (12 de agosto, 2006). The body beautiful. The Guardian. Recuperado de

How to Cite
García Plata, I. (2019). Ron Mueck and the traumatic illusion of what is missing. MAGOTZI Boletín Científico De Artes Del IA, 7(14), 34-41.