Sweet Abyss. Metaphor about love and the erotism in Silvio Rodríguez

  • Silvano Héctor Rosales Ayala Regional Center for Multidisciplinary Research UNAM
Keywords: Silvio Rodríguez, metaphor, songs, love, erotism



Silvio Rodriguez, who is a Cuban poet and a singer, 74 years old, has an important trajectory of four decades, in permanent interaction with the transformations of Cuban society, Latin America and with the configuration of a global society. In this essay, we want to share some ideas with the objective of understanding how, love and erotism are present in the songs of Silvio, while the poet enriches their meaning, their sense. We postulate that, in the creative “corpus” of our singer, he express poetics forms that accomplish two terms: they help to specific achievements of inspiring love, to talk about life experiences, to denunciate the social fraud to the love and to announce new configurations to love free and full, without forgetting the couple universe, but expanding the horizon to the fraternity and the transcendence. In the same way that happens with a great variety of artistic expressions, as Ernst Bloch said, they are bearer of a utopian excess. Love and erotism are projected to the future; a future that should satisfy some conditions in order to the love to be free and the erotism to be that double flame, which Octavio Paz talked about.


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Author Biography

Silvano Héctor Rosales Ayala, Regional Center for Multidisciplinary Research UNAM

Fundador del Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias de la UNAM (1985), Sociólogo titulado en la Escuela Nacional de Estudios Profesionasl, UNAM (1984). Maestro en Arquietctura, Investigación y Docencia, Urbanismo , FAcultad de Arquitectura, UNAM (1994); Doctor en Estudios Lartinoamericanos  por la Facultad de ciencias Políticas y sociales, UNAM (2006). Autor de: Tepito. ¿Barrio vivo?; Sentipensar la Cultura; La identidad nacional mexicana commo problema político y Cultural; Coordinador del libro: México...nunca más. Contextos y expresiones artísticas en el México posmoderno; autor del libro: ¿Quo Vadis, Tepito? Miembro delcuerpo docente del Posgrado de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, tutor de tesis de licenciatura y posgrado y sinodal en examenes profesionales. 




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How to Cite
Rosales Ayala, S. H. (2022). Sweet Abyss. Metaphor about love and the erotism in Silvio Rodríguez. MAGOTZI Boletín Científico De Artes Del IA, 10(20), 6-9. https://doi.org/10.29057/ia.v10i20.7640