Visual analysis of the representation of violence and power in a fashion photography

Keywords: Fashion photograpy, porn-chic, violence, men's fashion, iconography


This document presents a visual analysis of a fashion photograph belonging to Duncan Quinn brand campaign 2008, by describing, analyzing, interpreting, and explaining the clothing motifs/signs that are presented to formulate, in the first place, narratives that construct contemporary identities within discourses of gender and power. Second, an approach to fashion photography and the style is known as porn-chic (1970-2010) gave rise to this advertising image. In this sense, the conjectures presented at this document are a semiotic and hermeneutical analysis that brings the viewer closer to consideration on how clothing signs observed at the image generate discourses based on gender ideologies and imaginary about “the successful man” in consumer societies.


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How to Cite
Quiñones Urióstegui, Z. (2022). Visual analysis of the representation of violence and power in a fashion photography. MAGOTZI Boletín Científico De Artes Del IA, 10(19), 21-29.