Theatricality of the sacral body: a poetry against the grain in the art laboratory of Cecilia Lemus

Keywords: Poetics, Cecilia Lemus, sacred theater, creation of characters, Albayalde


The following essay is a study of the dramatic writing of Cecilia Lemus that has always been politely cloistered in a devout sentiment, paradoxically the very postmodernity has allowed her to clarify and sustain a freedom of religious, mythical and ritual thought. Her poetics relies on the conformation of the body and the word of the knowing actor, germinated from a grammatical linguistics to function as a poietic device for the construction of feelings. This qualitative dissertation is reconstructed as a sacred didactics, with its own laws and norms of the religious Theater for the understanding of the characters of Albayalde (White lead) in the Skin of Salmon Art Laboratory. Her system of thought and her aesthetic ideas are thought in three great periods: The Theater of the Vaina Sacra (1995-1999). The theater of the Shines of the Finite (2000-2019) and the theater of the tenebrismo (2019-2021). The objective of this essay being the virtual assembly-process, of the Auto sacramental, as a methodology for the construction of characters.


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How to Cite
Briones Durán, F. (2022). Theatricality of the sacral body: a poetry against the grain in the art laboratory of Cecilia Lemus. MAGOTZI Boletín Científico De Artes Del IA, 10(20), 35-43.