The teacher's profile recommended by the scientific literature and its dissociation from the bachelor’s degree plans for music education majors in Mexico

Keywords: musical education, curricular design, study plans, teacher profile, educational-musical skills


As in any other academic discipline, an important part of the design of bachelor’s degree plans for music education majors must be based on solid theoretical foundations and empirical findings of high academic rigor, in order to achieve a curricular design that promotes a more objective and realistic music education, more in line with the needs of the 21st century society and the labor market. Unfortunately, on many occasions the committees ignore this knowledge and make curricular decisions based on tradition and personal experience, which is reflected in curricular designs with multiple gaps and weaknesses. Thus, in this essay the author presents a brief overview of the theoretical and empirical contributions that have been made concerning the music educator profile and will expose some reflections about the relevance of taking them into consideration in favor of the training of more competent and capable teachers.


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How to Cite
Capistrán Gracia, R. W. (2022). The teacher’s profile recommended by the scientific literature and its dissociation from the bachelor’s degree plans for music education majors in Mexico. MAGOTZI Boletín Científico De Artes Del IA, 10(20), 65-71.