Theater teaching practice in the covid-19 pandemic in a university context

Keywords: Teaching practice, artistic discipline, technique, methodology, confinement


The process of teaching learning in the human being becomes complex when we do not know the methodologies of teaching practice, but this process is even more so when we talk about the teaching of art. There are statements that say that art is subjective and that therefore its study is also subjective, however history can give us light to understand that artistic disciplines require a technique when studied. The question is how do I teach a student to be an artist? I propose as an educational paradigm the humanist theory in the process of teaching-learning of theater in a university context and expose the problems that were generated from the confinement by the Sars-cov-2 virus in Mexico.


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How to Cite
Isidro Acosta, Z. S., & Moreno Tapia, J. (2023). Theater teaching practice in the covid-19 pandemic in a university context. MAGOTZI Boletín Científico De Artes Del IA, 11(21), 16-21.