Crazy house, interactions in dance teaching

Keywords: Teaching experience, artistic education, dance teaching, interactionism


Reflections about the teaching practice in dance in a case study. The interactions between the teacher and the educational actors were reviewed. It is recognized that identity is expressed in a dynamic and historicized way. The art teacher conducts himself in differentiated facets, of which we distinguish three: the first is characterized by pursuing investigative objectives about the students, the context and learning; the second focuses on achieving artistic goals and the third on educational aspects per se. Understanding teaching in this way allows us to understand the particular forms of teaching the dance and artistic discipline to lay down lines of reflection that allow teachers to define their identity and  improve practice.


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How to Cite
Sanchez, T. (2023). Crazy house, interactions in dance teaching. MAGOTZI Boletín Científico De Artes Del IA, 11(21), 11-15.