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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Manuscript Preparation

To prepare to submit your manuscript, authors must use the official template of the Boletin del Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias in LaTeX or Word format. The manuscript text can be in:

· Spanish-English (text in Spanish with a title and an abstract in English).

· English-Spanish (text in English with a title and an abstract in Spanish).

Once the final manuscript is ready for submission, authors can send the Word or PDF file using the OJS platform.

The Boletin del Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias template also serves as a guide with basic instructions on style and structure to assist authors in writing the manuscript.

For the double-blind review process, authors must remove names, affiliations, email addresses, acknowledgments, and any information that reveals the manuscript's authorship.

Manuscript Submission via the OJS Platform

The corresponding author, on behalf of all authors of the submitted manuscript, must submit the following files through the OJS platform:

· Manuscript: The article file is submitted in Word or PDF format, omitting the names, affiliations, email addresses, ORCIDs, and acknowledgments of all authors.

· Cover Letter: A letter to the editor specifying the names, affiliations, email addresses, and ORCID of ALL authors. If not provided, it will be understood that the corresponding author is the sole author of the manuscript and cannot include more co-authors.

· Copyright Transfer Agreement: A document addressed to the Boletin del Instituto de Ciencias Agropecuarias, expressly stating that the submitted document has not been partially or fully published in any other journal (or providing an explanation in the Comments to the editor).

· Supplementary Files: If necessary, use this space to send additional files attached to the manuscript, e.g., figures, tables, etc.

Important: Due to the double-blind peer review, the names, affiliations, email addresses, ORCIDs, and acknowledgments of all authors should be added after the article has been accepted for publication. The number of authors should be at most six people.


Each article must adhere to the following guidelines:

· Title: It should be in Spanish and English, using the same style and font size. It should contain ten words; only the first Word should be capitalized.

· Authors: There should be at most six authors, using the following format: Initial of First Name, First Last Second, Last Name. Example: Raúl Villafuerte Segura = R. Villafuerte-Segura.

· Abstract: It should be in Spanish and English, with the same style and font size. It should be at most 160 words (approximately eight lines).

· Keywords: They should be placed in both Spanish and English, with the same style and font size, and there should be 3-5 keywords.

· Equations: They should be numbered consecutively in parentheses and aligned to the right margin. In Word, use the equation editor to create the equation, then select the "Equation" style, press the tab key, and write the equation number in parentheses. Use the solidus (/), the exp function, or appropriate exponents to make equations more compact. Use parentheses to avoid ambiguities in denominators.

· Figures, tables, formulas, etc.: The article should include them directly.

· References: They should be at the end of the text following the numbered style [ ]. The referred publication must be included in the reference when it has a DOI (Digital Object Identifier). Verify that each electronic address (URL) has an active link. Journal titles should not be abbreviated. Authors' full names should not be omitted, even if repeated in different references; they should be listed in each reference. References should be separated by a space and numbered in the order they appear in the manuscript.

· Article Submission: The articles should be submitted via the OJS (Open Journal Systems) platform. Upon receipt, a receipt acknowledgment, including the date of receipt and the control number assigned to the article, will be issued.

Note: If the submitted manuscript meets the abovementioned requirements, the editor, guest editor, and editorial committee member may accept the manuscript (not publishable) before starting the review process. After the review process, the Editorial Committee will notify the corresponding author of the manuscript's acceptance, rejection, or request for revisions.


· Regular Edition: Published biannually in early January and July. Manuscript submissions for this edition are continuous, with deadlines throughout the year. Accepted manuscripts will be published in the issue closest to their acceptance.

· Special Editions: These focus on specific topics with support from guest editors and are opened based on demand from the scientific community. The number of special editions proposed per year is not restricted. The respective calls for papers will present details about submission deadlines and publication dates.

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