Production and international trade of milk, the case of Mexico

Keywords: Market milk, cow's milk, skim milk powder, whole milk powder, Mexican production milk


This review describes recent market milk developments. International trade, production by species, the main producers of cow's milk in the world, price, consumption and production of milk, butter, cheese, skim milk powder and whole milk powder are discussed. The review concludes with a discussion of Mexican production and trade of milk and dairy products as a case study.


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How to Cite
Aguilar-Amezola , C. O., Prado-Rebolledo, O. F., Hernández-Rivera, J. A., & García Casillas, A. C. (2024). Production and international trade of milk, the case of Mexico. Boletín De Ciencias Agropecuarias Del ICAP, 10(20), 64-71.