Philosophy of Sciences in Engineering: A Fundamental Dissertation for Human and Organizational Development

Keywords: Philosophy, Engineering, Eclecticism, Existentialism, Stoicism


In the 21st century, marked by technological advancements such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, 5G telecommunications, and Industry 6.0, the question arises about the relationship between philosophy and industry. Despite seeming unnecessary, it is argued that the philosophy of sciences in engineering plays a significant role in the synthesis of both disciplines. While still in its initial stages, this doctrine seeks to explore how philosophy influences the understanding of the universe, society, and culture. It is noted that philosophy is the birthplace of Western modern thought, where diverse thinkers have analyzed natural phenomena and human matters. Organizations and societal sectors, including businesses, reflect philosophical values and principles in their structure. The article raises questions about the level of awareness individuals have regarding this influence and whether engineering professionals are cognizant of its application. The article aims to establish a precedent in this discussion.


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How to Cite
Ortega-Reyes, A. O. (2023). Philosophy of Sciences in Engineering: A Fundamental Dissertation for Human and Organizational Development. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 11(Especial3), 26-31.

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