Silver dissolution in tailings: evaluation of the Thiourea-Oxalate system

Keywords: Silver, Thiourea-Oxalate, Mine tailings


Mining waste, also known as tailings, is waste that is generated during the process of extraction and benefit of minerals, which may contain elements of economic interest, such as silver (Ag). In this study, the effectiveness of the Thiourea (CH4N2S) - Oxalate (C2O42-) system to achieve efficient dissolution of the Ag present is investigated.

The sample was characterized mineralogically by the XRD and SEM-EDS technique, subsequently to know the Ag content, the chemical analysis was carried out using EAA. The parameters evaluated in the dissolution of the precious metal were [CH4N2S] and [Na2C2O4], in a range of 0.3 to 0.5 mol l-1 and 0 to 0.0081 mol l-1, respectively. The reaction was monitored using the EAA technique. As a result, dissolution of 85.98% was obtained by using 0.3 mol l-1 of CH4N2S and 0.0081 mol l-1 of Na2C2O4, after 60 minutes.


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How to Cite
Muñoz-Hernández, E. J., Ruiz-Sánchez , Ángel, Palacios-Beas, E. G., Reyes-Pérez, M., Urbano-Reyes, G., & Juárez-Tapia, J. C. (2023). Silver dissolution in tailings: evaluation of the Thiourea-Oxalate system. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 11(Especial5), 156-160.

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