Determination of compressive strength in concrete with tailings

Keywords: Mining tailings, Concrete, Strength, EPTs


Mining waste is considered an environmental and health risk due to its high potential as a generator of acid drainage in addition to the presence of potentially toxic elements (EPTs). In this work, concrete specimens were made with cement substitutions with mining tailings from the Dos Carlos Dam in the state of Hidalgo at 10, 20 and 30% by weight respectively. The tailings samples were analyzed by different methodologies such as digestions, chemical tests and neutralization potential to know the EPTs, their properties and alkalinity that these wastes have to face the acid that could be generated in the future. The concrete specimens were subjected to compression tests to analyze their strength. The results showed that these wastes contain Pb, As, Cr, Ag and Se, confirming the latent risk in mining tailings. Regarding the resistance of the specimens with replacement, the results were satisfactory at 10% compared to the others.


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DOI: 10.3923/ijbc.2010.190.202

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How to Cite
Gordillo-Salazar, M., Ramírez-Cardona, M., López-González, A., Ruiz-Sánchez, Ángel, Juárez-Tapia, J. C., & Muñoz-Hernández, E. de J. (2023). Determination of compressive strength in concrete with tailings. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 11(Especial5), 17-21.

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