Digital literature review of evaluative instruments for virtual learning modality

Keywords: Virtual modality, Learning, Instruments, Evaluation


This paper shows a digital literature review on the state of the art on evaluative instruments for virtual learning modality, the purpose was to search the digital literature of scientific articles in the last 5 years; to show the most used and the most relevant results of the selected investigations, in the methodology a documentary technique was carried out with the selection of the indexed scientific texts; which were analyzed showing the results which evince that the most used instruments are the questionnaire and the digital literature review from a quantitative approach, being the questionnaire the predominant instrument, on the other hand, no texts with qualitative evaluation instruments were found. Therefore, it is concluded that the evaluation of the virtual modality through mixed and qualitative instruments is necessary to understand the object of study from different perspectives and have a broader and more complete panorama.


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How to Cite
Gómez-Acosta, E. I., Lagunes-Domínguez, A., & Torres-Gastelú, C. A. (2021). Digital literature review of evaluative instruments for virtual learning modality. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 9(Especial), 68-73.