Implementation in a virtual laboratory of a teleoperated system in master slave configuration with communication based on the TCP/IP protocol

  • Mario Alberto Magaña Méndez Universidad Politécnica de Pachuca
  • Rafael Hernández-Ríos Universidad Politécnica de Pachuca
  • J. Gerardo Benítez-Morales Universidad Politécnica de Pachuca
  • Omar A. Domínguez-Ramírez Universidad Politécnica de Pachuca
  • Julio C. Ramos-Fernández Universidad Politécnica de Pachuca
Keywords: Teleoperation, Virtual Laboratory, PUMA 560, PHANToM OMNI


This paper presents the development of a teleoperation system between two virtual robots, the designed robots for this system were a PHANToM OMNI device and the PUMA 560 robot. For this, the physical constraints of the robots were considered through their respective kinematic and dynamic models. A platform was made using the Simulink software to simulate the teleoperation of both robots, this allows adding delays to simulate the behavior of the systems with due to protocol comunication problems. Control tests were developed to implement a PID controller and a inverse dynamics control to adjust, with this a comparison can be made in the behavior of the system with the control of the controls of the efects of the delays of the communication network in the tracking of trajectories.


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How to Cite
Magaña Méndez, M. A., Hernández-Ríos, R., Benítez-Morales, J. G., Domínguez-Ramírez, O. A., & Ramos-Fernández, J. C. (2019). Implementation in a virtual laboratory of a teleoperated system in master slave configuration with communication based on the TCP/IP protocol. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 7(Especial), 50-59.
Research papers