La Training is also scientific construction

Book Review: For a Theory of Formation by Bernard Honoré

Keywords: Formation, formation activities, interiority-exteriority, relational experience


This paper presents a review of the book: For a theory of formation, by Bernard Honoré. In this text the central objective is development the formation concept. That is, a language, a structure of its own thought, of concepts and theories, where training is configured as an act, so it is necessary to make it the object of scientific thought, to find its foundations and the conditions in which it can be viable, since the future of man is at stake in training.


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Author Biography

Haideé Franco Moreno , Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo

Graduated from the Master's Degree at the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo, Mexico. She graduated from the Master Democracy and Education in Values from the University of Barcelona, Spain (UB); Student of the Doctorate in Education at the Autonomous University of Tlaxcala. She is a professor attached to the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo, Institute of Health Sciences.


Bachelard, Gastón (1977). La formación del espíritu científico. Madrid: Siglo XXI.

Heidegger, Martin. (1988). El ser y el tiempo. México: FCE.

Honoré, Bernard (1980). Para una teoría de la formación. Madrid: Narcea, S. A. de Ediciones.

Honoré, Bernard. (1992). Vers l’Oeuvre de formation. L’ouverture á l’existence. Paris: Editorial L’Harmattan.

Sartre, Jean-Paul (1970). El existencialismo es un humanismo, trad. Carmen Llerena del Castillo. Barcelona: EDHASA.

How to Cite
Franco Moreno , H. (2021). La Training is also scientific construction. Edähi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades Del ICSHu, 9(18), 55-61.