Emotions and virtual pedagogy of university teachers in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic

Keywords: Teacher training, emotions, Covid-19, distance education, higher education


The year 2020 was for Mexico -as for the entire world, a year of sudden changes result of the Covid-19 pandemic. Considering that this virus has the potential to duplicate or triplicate the number of infected people, educational institutions had to transfer from in-situ to online classes to control the spread of the virus. This transition generated a change on the emotions of both teachers and learners. In addition to their methodology, teachers had to face the challenges of dealing with other issues that came along to teaching online, such as their emotions. Wargadinata et al. (2020) suggests that any limitation regarding connectivity and use of technology can have a negative impact in our emotions.

Based on a mixed methods design, this study aimed to explore and identify the feelings and perceptions of professors at the Autonomous University of Quintana Roo at the burst of the pandemic with regards their transition to online teaching. How did participants deal with this new teaching situation, the psycho-pedagogical resources they had, infrastructure, equipment and connectivity were the enquiries that guided the herein study. Data obtained provides evidence on participants’ specific needs regarding infrastructure, emotional support, and professional training on how to deal with health emergencies like the one brought by the pandemic.


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How to Cite
Negrete Cetina, M., Dzay-Chulim, F., & Cabañas Victoria, V. V. (2023). Emotions and virtual pedagogy of university teachers in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Edähi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades Del ICSHu, 11(22), 1-11. https://doi.org/10.29057/icshu.v11i22.10484