Living heritage and experimental culture: redefinition of heritage through the participation of the inhabitants of El Bordo, Pachuca, Mexico

Keywords: Experimental culture, living heritage, cultural mediation, oral narratives


This document analyzes the re-signification of heritage through a participatory process promoted by the inhabitants of El Bordo, a small community in central Mexico, in collaboration with various citizen groups between 2021 and 2023. The analysis focuses on two projects guided by experimental culture and the notion of living heritage: the “El Bordo Citizen Lab” (LCB) and the” El Bordo, Architectures for Memory” project, which resulted in the construction of the public transport stop called the “El Bordo Urban Equipment Module.         The community of El Bordo is located in the northern region of Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo, Mexico. It is part of a landscape defined by mining activities for over five centuries and in which multiple heritage elements have been historically undervalued. The community is part of a periphery that faces deep social problems, such as inadequate basic services and limited access to fundamental rights. 

The article begins by describing the post-mining context in which El Bordo is located. Subsequently, the text delves into the characteristics of the town and recounts the participation actions that have occurred in it. It then explores the notions of “living heritage” and “experimental culture,” focusing on the two initiatives above: the LCB and the El Bordo Architectures for Memory project. Finally, the article shares the lessons learned from this participatory process, which achieved the construction of a common good through social innovation.


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How to Cite
Ordaz Bulos, D., & Sánchez Fonseca, L. F. (2024). Living heritage and experimental culture: redefinition of heritage through the participation of the inhabitants of El Bordo, Pachuca, Mexico. Edähi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades Del ICSHu, 12(Especial), 66-78.