Aqueduct of Padre Tembleque in the State of Hidalgo. World Heritage. Commodification or local development?

Keywords: World Heritage, Tourism, Commodification, Local development


The present investigation analyzes the current state of the Padre Tembleque Aqueduct in the municipality of Zempoala, in the State of Hidalgo, in order to identify the areas of opportunity and the deterioration that it has as a tourist area, from its postulation as Heritage. World Organization of the United Nations for Education, Science and Culture, in order to have relevant information so that it can serve as reference support to contribute in decision-making to enable local development. The work is approached from the methodological perspective of the theory of functionalism, as a current applicable to the social sciences, which requires acting on the function and utility of a social fact, focusing on a practical strategy function that generates a problem, It deals with an exploratory and descriptive approach, through a cross-sectional design. It is concluded that joining an international declaration does not guarantee the preservation and maintenance of cultural heritage, on the contrary, it is only a simulation and commodification mechanism that supports and covers the actions of certain institutions and administration of public officials.


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How to Cite
Flores Amador, C., Villafaña Rivera, F. J., Vilchis Onofre, A. A., & Medina Sánchez, R. I. (2023). Aqueduct of Padre Tembleque in the State of Hidalgo. World Heritage. Commodification or local development?. Boletín Científico INVESTIGIUM De La Escuela Superior De Tizayuca, 9(17), 23-34.

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