Implications of the use of technology in tourism education

Keywords: technology, education, innovation, methodology


The present communicates the importance of the use of technology in higher-level teaching, taking into account the generational changes and gaps that are currently separated; the objective is to know the challenges  that are present in the teaching of tourism in higher education institutions by publicizing the tools of the Information and Communication Technologies that are currently available to be able to bring this documentary research to experimental research in the future. One of the proposals of this documentary research is to analyze the methodologies used in different educational centers for the teaching of tourism. Educational Technology is the incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies into education, in this case we will focus on the tourism industry; this type of pedagogical strategies allow us to have different stimuli in teachers and students, that is to say that there is stimulus-response and stimulus-behavioral-reforming, which leads to mention that educational technology to some extent of its use, is about conductism, although this current should not be considered as the unique within educational technology. ICT and tourism allow educational tools, use of educational platforms and access to repositories and databases of this industry to be created.


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How to Cite
Gayosso Mexia, S., Carrizal-Alonso, A. M., Benitez-Leal, F., & Torres-Rangel, C. (2020). Implications of the use of technology in tourism education. Boletín Científico INVESTIGIUM De La Escuela Superior De Tizayuca, 6(11), 8-14.

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