Mumpreneurs: beyond the “Entrepreneurship-motherhood” relationship

Keywords: Mumpreneurs, female entrepreneurship, labor discrimination, gender inequality


The role that culturally and socially is assigned to women as responsible for the home and family care has undergone transformations over time for two main reasons; the first one is based on circumstances that lead them to become head of the family, and the second attends to the desire for economic independence and professional development, which has allowed the creation of spaces for them in the workplace, where they carry out activities until little considered exclusive to the male gender.

However, it seems that the conditions of inequality, lack of opportunities for growth in the world of work and the female nature itself play against the aspirations of working women to reconcile both roles, since their life after motherhood often gives a turn that leads them to change their priorities and consider the dilemma of leaving their job to take care of the new member of the family or sacrificing their personal life for their professional development.

This search for a mother-worker balance creates a new dynamic and gives rise to a phenomenon that is gaining strength around the world, that of female mumpreneurs, which is addressed in this article with the purpose of discovering, based on an exhaustive review from the available literature, what lies beyond the maternity-entrepreneurship relationship and what advantages does the reconciliation of both roles mean for the female sector.


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How to Cite
Acosta Velázquez, S. C., & Pedraza Amador, E. M. (2021). Mumpreneurs: beyond the “Entrepreneurship-motherhood” relationship. Boletín Científico INVESTIGIUM De La Escuela Superior De Tizayuca, 6(12), 20-26.

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