Rethinking tourism from the rural: An alternative for local development in the community of Cieneguilla in the State of Hidalgo

Keywords: Rural Tourism, Local Development, Sustainability, Natural Heritage, Community


The objective of this research is to identify the potential of rural tourism in the community of Cieneguilla in the State of Hidalgo, through the sustainable use of natural and cultural resources, to promote the diversification of the regional tourism offer, based on an endogenous organizational structure, under the principles of uses and customs, through the strengthening of social cohesion by means of an egalitarian dynamic of work, respect and equity, with the purpose of generating new alternatives for local development, preserving its ancestral identity. The study consists of three stages, starting with the first one of documentary work from August to November 2022, the second one from February to May 2023 with field work, data collection, application of instruments, and the third one from June to November 2023 with analysis and conclusion. It is a longitudinal study, in which the theory of communality is approached to examine the socio-cultural and economic elements based on collectivity, territorial wealth and consensus in decision-making from the Assembly. The methodology used is under an exploratory and descriptive approach, with a qualitative and quantitative orientation, supported by the simple random sampling method. The aim is to obtain conclusions that are supported by the fieldwork and to show the results that make it possible to contribute to rethink tourism from the rural area for the benefit of the inhabitants of this locality


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How to Cite
Flores Amador, C., Ramírez Juárez, A., Sánchez Hernández, B. T., Rodríguez Mujica, F. V., & Ríos Rosales, D. (2022). Rethinking tourism from the rural: An alternative for local development in the community of Cieneguilla in the State of Hidalgo. Boletín Científico INVESTIGIUM De La Escuela Superior De Tizayuca, 8(Especial), 33-42.

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