The Revista Lengua y Cultura, compiles some works that derive from research and implementation processes in language classrooms, all of them have been part of the works presented under the framework of the first International Congress of Languages-Culture and Continuing Education, under the theme of the teaching and learning of languages in real contexts, developed in the facilities of the City of Knowledge of the Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo.

Revista Lengua y Cultura is a biannual publication edited by the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo / Torres de Rectoría, 3rd floor, Pachuca-Actopan highway Km. 4.5, Col. Campo de Tiro, Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo, C.P. 42039, Tel. (01) 771 71 72000 Ext. 5649,,, Responsible Editor: Mtra. Maria Isabel Gutierrez Tellez. Reservation of Rights to Exclusive Use No. 04-2018-112915313200-203, ISSN: 2683-2321, both granted by the National Institute of Copyright. Responsible for the last update of this Number, Web Technologies and Web Metrics Department, Torres de Rectoría, 3rd floor, Pachuca-Actopan highway Km. 4.5, Col. Campo de Tiro, Pachuca de Soto, Hidalgo, C.P. 42039