The introduction of artificial intelligence as an educational tools for teachers

Keywords: Artificial Intelligent, tool, education, teacher


In the educational field, teachers have advanced in the use of technologies with different technological tools for teaching-learning. Artificial intelligence has transformed their role by allowing them to personalize teaching and improve student learning. It is crucial that educators use AI ethically and responsibly, focusing on developing key skills such as curiosity, critical thinking and creativity to prepare students for a challenging, digitalized future.



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medio superior respecto al uso de la inteligencia artificial generativa en su aprendizaje. RIDE Revista Iberoamericana para la Investigación y el Desarrollo Educativo, 14(28), Article 28.

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Jáuregui, M. G. (2023). Herramientas de IA que todo profesor debe conocer. Observatorio / Instituto para el Futuro de la Educación.

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Treviño, R., & Iturbide, D. (2024). 10 tecnologías de IA para explorar este 2024 si eres docente | Tecnológico de Monterrey.

How to Cite
Valenzuela Ramírez, S. G., Contreras Basurto, A., & Rivera Landeros, E. A. (2024). The introduction of artificial intelligence as an educational tools for teachers. Ingenio Y Conciencia Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Ciudad Sahagún, 11(22), 150-152.