Educational innovation and gamification

Keywords: School, teaching, learning, educational innovation, gamification, motivation, commitment, academic performance, skills, game, challenges


Educational innovation involves the implementation of new ideas, methods, technologies or approaches in the educational field with the purpose of improving the quality of teaching, learning and educational results.

Gamification is an innovative tool to motivate, engage and educate people in different contexts, it is the use of game elements and mechanics in non-gaming contexts in order to motivate, engage and improve student participation in various activities.



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How to Cite
Contreras Basurto, A., Valenzuela Ramírez, S. G., & Rivera Landeros, E. A. (2024). Educational innovation and gamification. Ingenio Y Conciencia Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Ciudad Sahagún, 11(22), 153-156.