Blockchain and cybersecurity

Keywords: Blockchain, Cybersecurity, Digital information


The world is interconnected, the pandemic advanced at least 7 years of interconnectivity in Mexico and the world is becoming one, this pandemic allowed people to be connected with people from other countries, cities, states, without the need to leave their place of residence, this excess connectivity creates something known as a cyber society. The purpose of this document is to analyze, based on technological criteria, the impact of Blockchain technology in the area of cybersecurity and how said dynamics could have direct effects on data protection. Blockchain technology will be discussed to protect the cyber society where new criminals arise, but with different profiles, finally, the proposals on its application in the field of computer security will be analyzed where Blockchain becomes an option to ensure any type of digital information and that its use by cybercriminals becomes inoperable and unaffordable.


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How to Cite
García Munguía, M., Molina-Ruiz, H. D., Moreno-Gutiérrez , S. S., & Alvarado-Reséndiz , J. L. (2022). Blockchain and cybersecurity. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 9(18), 15-20.

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