Validity and reliability of an instrument that allows to detect a predatory journal

Keywords: Predatory journals, measuring instrument, expert validation, reliability index


Predatory journals represent an important problem within the scientific and academic community, they are characterized by working under unethical principles, where their main interest is to obtain economic benefit despite the lack of quality in the reviews as they appear to be carried out by academic peers. Given the above and as the main objective of the study is to validate and determine the level of reliability of the measurement instrument that allows to discover if the scientific community is facing a predatory journal, presenting items empowered to discover the relevant points of these. So, the proposed measurement instrument is validated by the judgment of expert professionals, had a good acceptance in the construction, in addition the relevance of the items was analyzed a statistical form considering their mean, standard deviation, and correlation by block finding that item 4 kept a very low correlation. The measuring instrument turned out to be reliable since the Cronbach alpha was 0.81 and by eliminating question 4 it increased to 0.84 obtaining a reliable instrument. Finally, a robust definitive instrument with 14 items is presented.


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How to Cite
García-Vargas, M. de L. E., Martínez Ayala, L., Cerón-Reyes , M. G., & Molina-Ruiz, H. D. (2022). Validity and reliability of an instrument that allows to detect a predatory journal. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 9(18), 9-14.

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