Characterization and contextualization of an instrument to measure the organizational level´s leadership

Keywords: Evaluation instrument, positive leadership, negative leadership, organizational context


Leadership becomes more important every day, in the context of productive and/or service´s organizations. Its importance is evident due to organizational need to remain in the market share and face the complex market´s dynamics. The objective of this work is to state the basis for measuring leadership level within an organization under study, through an evaluation. The proposed research is important because it allows to be a reference for decision making and create a basis for companies to assess the level of leadership in the organization. Present proposal, rough out the contextualization of an evaluation instrument, which, through approaches measured on a Likert scale, allows the creation of a parameter to determine the leadership level within a company under study, particularly applicable in the case of SMEs.


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How to Cite
Molina-Ruiz, H. D., García-Vargas , M. de L. E., Martinéz-Ayala, L., Montesinos-Hernández, J., García-Munguía, M., & Hernández-Mendoza, J. M. (2023). Characterization and contextualization of an instrument to measure the organizational level´s leadership. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 10(19), 1-12.

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