Boilers and their classifications

Keywords: Industry, boylers, heat


Boilers are equipment designed to produce steam or heat water, by increasing the temperature with respect to the ambient temperature; These work through the transfer of heat, usually generated by the burning of a fuel (coal), which produces a change of liquid-gas state in the water. The various applications that boilers have in the industrial context, the conditions involved in the work and innumerable demands of a technical and practical nature, have led the industry to look for alternatives to face production problems, the use of boilers is essential for these processes. The objective of present work is to promote knowledge towards the general public and they can extend their understanding.


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How to Cite
Reyes-Cruz, S., Español, E., Español, E., & Español, E. (2023). Boilers and their classifications. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 10(20), 14-16.
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