CIILPRA Study Method

Keywords: Study method, CIILPRA, Concentratio


This document describes the CIILPRA study method, it is studied and analyzed in the subject of Learning to Learn in the first semester of the Nursing Degree, it is part of the institutional subjects considered by the Educational Model of the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo. Through this subject, students can not only know the study methods, but also locate which one they use or, alternatively, choose one and put it into practice throughout the course in order to have an order in receiving new knowledge, without feeling pressured by the workload you have when entering a bachelor´s degree. The change that occurs between studies from upper secondary level to upper level is sometimes very strong and if there is not an adequate study method, the school will become a space of anguish instead of enjoying learning to learn, self- taught.


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Valdivia, A (2014). “La técnica CIILPRA” obtenido de:

How to Cite
Acosta-Pérez, Y. A., & Pastor-Martínez, J. A. (2020). CIILPRA Study Method. XIKUA Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Tlahuelilpan, 8(16), 29-32.
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