The importance of educational informatics for the academic performance of students through tutoring used in higher education

Keywords: Tutoring, ICT, Higher Education


The turoring program of the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo is divided into different sections, ranging from scholarship students to students with academic or personal problems, individual or group, this in order to have an accompaniment, guide and orientation, which the teacher provides to the student continuously, in order to enhance their training.

The use of information technology in the tutoring program allows acquiring the necessary bases to support students based on the experience acquired during direct tutoring, allowing students to have the facilities to request and carry out a tutoring at the time and schedule that they need. require, allowing them to generate more meaningful learning.

The tutors are an important part in the implementation of the tutorials, being the ones who interact with the students, obtain the necessary information and are in charge of generating solutions together with the students for the resolution of the conflicts or providing the tools to encourage the student to fulfill their goals.

At present, students are in need of looking for a job to be able to support their studies, which generates a conflict in work schedules and those of the institution, which causes students to miss classes and fall behind in their subjects, but through online tutoring they have the opportunity to stay current and obtain the necessary knowledge for their professional performance.


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How to Cite
de León-Vázquez, I. I., Tapia-Castillo, D. I., & Samperio-Monroy , T. I. (2022). The importance of educational informatics for the academic performance of students through tutoring used in higher education. XIKUA Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Tlahuelilpan, 10(20), 27-29.