Automotive waste management in the Municipality of Tepeji del Río de Ocampo, Hidalgo (workshops located in the “El Salto” neighborhood)

Keywords: Environment, municipal administration, urban solid waste, special management waste, hazardous waste


In the maintenance of automotive vehicles, various types of waste are generated, in automotive micro-workshops in the municipality of Tepeji del Río de Ocampo, Hidalgo, the key to this type of waste is to be focused on the life cycle of products, collaborations and environmental design; as well as services and information for consumers. One of the recommendations to diagnose the current situation of waste is to minimize environmental impacts, involving generators of hazardous waste, users of workshops; as well as the suppliers of inputs and the corresponding government entity.As complementary actions for the proper separation of waste, elements such as the development of a detailed market study should be incorporated; sensitize the population through awareness campaigns and supervision of the authorities in the management of hazardous waste generated by automotive workshops. Finally, the government, as a regulatory entity, has to find a way to help with this problem.



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How to Cite
Anaya-Ángeles, R. G., & Sepulveda-Reyes, E. (2022). Automotive waste management in the Municipality of Tepeji del Río de Ocampo, Hidalgo (workshops located in the “El Salto” neighborhood). XIKUA Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Tlahuelilpan, 10(20), 1-8.