Now showing items 121-140 of 178

    • Husos horarios 

      Rodríguez del Rosal, Luis (2018-04-01)
      Timing control is a daily tool we use to know the time all around the world, in tourism we use the time zones to calculate the schedules of flights and the local time in every single country, this tool allows us to ...
    • Denominación de Origen 

      Pichardo Zaragoza, Eva Luz (2017-08-31)
      Origin denomination as a protection and impulse for mexican products which caracteristics that are unique, produce of the places were they were developed as a result of natural factors and human production, allows ...
    • El Autoconocimiento 

      Ángeles Villeda, Antonio de Jesús (2017-08-31)
      Self-knowledge is the result of a reflexive and analytical process, through which a person acquires the notion of his person, that is, recognizes his defects, qualities, emotions and particular characteristics. Self-knowledge ...
    • Características de un Congreso 

      Aceves Chavolla, Olga Gabriela Isabel de la Concepción (2017-05-01)
      In order to understand the purpose of what a congress it is important to know it is characteristics that define it, since it requires a greater organization to operate efficiently the development of the same.
    • Vacante II 

      Vega Lugo, Noemi; Ahumada López, Ernesto R.; Aceves Chavolla, Olga Gabriela Isabel de la Concepción (2017-05-01)
      In Order to start a Recruitment and Selection process it is necessary that there is an empty space, in this subject you will know the concept of vacancy and what area the types of vacancies that we can find.
    • Vacante I 

      Vega Lugo, Noemi; Aceves Chavolla, Olga Gabriela Isabel de la Concepción; Ahumada López, Ernesto R. (2017-05-01)
      Communication being a core part of every social organism, it is extremely important to understand its concept, barriers that prevent it and to identify strategies that facilitate its transmission. The material presented ...
    • Dimensión Cultural 

      González Espinoza, Carolina; Vega Lugo, Noemi; Rodríguez Martínez, José Sergio (2017-05-01)
      In dealing with the topic of Cultural Tourism, we can not overlook its importance in our country, since many of its attractions are ruins or archaeological zones, cultural, artistic and gastronomic expressions that reflect ...
    • Conceptos del Turismo de Reuniones en México. 

      Ahumada López, Ernesto R.; Vega Lugo, Noemi; Aceves Chavolla, Olga Gabriela Isabel de la Concepción (2017-05-01)
      This concept has been modified over the years, according to the different prublic and private organizations, and the business sector, starting as business tourism and from the Secretary of Tourism, defines it as meeting ...
    • Introducción al Estudio del Turismo 

      González Espinoza, Carolina; Vega Lugo, Noemi; Rodríguez Martínez, José Sergio (2017-05-01)
      It is a fact that tourism is of great value for a receiving community, mainly because it means a source of jobs and economic resources, for that reason in this material the study of the identified tourism began its origin ...
    • Investigación Turística 

      Cruz Coria, Erika; Velázquez Castro, Judith Alejandra; Martínez Ramos, Carla (2017-01-01)
      The communication of the results refers to the different means by which the researcher can make known the results of his / her research work. In particular, this presentation addresses the construction of scientific papers.
    • Fundamentos de Metodología de la Investigación. 

      Velázquez Castro, Judith Alejandra; Cruz Coria, Erika; Martínez Ramos, Carla (2017-01-01)
      Methodology implies more than simply the methods you intend to use to collect data. It is often necessary to include a consideration of the concepts and theories which underlie the methods. For instance, if you intend to ...
    • Las Rutas Gastronómicas 

      Rodríguez Martínez, Sergio; Velasco Álvarez, Liza; Ortega García, Rodrigo (2016-07-01)
      The objective in this essay is mainly to know the meaning, origin and history of gastronomic tourism, but on the other hand emphasizes how important it is in Mexico, this is may be one of the main economic sources in our ...
    • Particularidades del Marketing Turístico 

      Hurtado Piña, Jorge; Vega Lugo, Noemi; González Espinoza, Carolina; Terrazas Juárez, Angélica Ruth; González Romo, Adrián; Alcántara Hernández, Ruth Josefina; Cerón Islas, Arlen; Gaona Rivera, Elías (2016-07-01)
      The particularities of tourism marketing are the intrinsic characteristics that involves the provision of a tourist service. They are very important to take them into consideration when planning an advertising campaign ...
    • Origen y antecedentes históricos de la restaurantería 

      Rodríguez Martínez, Sergio; Velasco Álvarez, Liza; Ortega García, Rodrigo (2016-07-01)
      This work was done in order to collect all sources to support the learning of the subject of operation Bars and Restaurants given during the fifth semester of the degree in tourism. While it is true that this matter has ...
    • Base de Datos (BD) 

      Ángeles Villeda, Antonio de Jesús (2016-07-01)
      A massive database stores information structured and orderly, with the least possible redundancy also provides users with quick access to data that can view, edit or delete. A database can be local, considering that only ...
    • ¿Quiénes NO están obligados al cumplimiento de la Ley Federal de Protección al Consumidor? 

      Hurtado Piña, Jorge; Vega Lugo, Noemi; González Espinoza, Carolina; Terrazas Juárez, Angélica Ruth (2016-01-31)
      Consumers should know who is required to comply with the Federal Consumer Protection Law.
    • Ley Federal de Protección al Consumidor (LFPC), art. 2 

      Hurtado Piña, Jorge; Vega Lugo, Noemi; González Espinoza, Carolina; Terrazas Juárez, Angélica Ruth (2016-01-31)
      Providers of tourist services must know the content of the Federal consumer protection law and their obligations drifts of it.
    • Ley Federal de Protección al Consumidor, art. 1 

      Hurtado Piña, Jorge; Vega Lugo, Noemi; González Espinoza, Carolina; Terrazas Juárez, Angélica Ruth (2016-01-31)
      It is essential that providers of tourist services know the federal consumer protection law because tourists have rights that must be respected.
    • Ley Federal de Protección al Consumidor. 

      Hurtado Piña, Jorge; Vega Lugo, Noemi; González Espinoza, Carolina; Terrazas Juárez, Angélica Ruth (2016-01-31)
      The Federal Consumer Protection Law, entered into force in Mexico on February 5, 1976, becoming an instrument of vital importance for the defense of the rights of all Mexican consumers.
    • Impacto económico, sociocultural y ambiental en el turismo de naturaleza 

      Ramos Sánchez, Pedro Alfonso (2016-01-31)
      Tourism as a social phenomenon, economic outlook and systemic close up, directly impact on nature tourism, where the main idea is that these effects show positively in the population, knowing them and how they occur is the ...