Now showing items 101-120 of 168

    • El Maíz 

      Guzmán López, Tammara I. (2018-08-31)
      El maíz siendo el producto del trabajo del ser humano que las grandes civilizaciones del pasado y la vida misma de millones de mexicanos “tienen como raíz y fundamento generoso el maíz”. Por lo tanto el maíz no se ...
    • España 

      Corona de la Rosa, Patricia; López Hernández, Blanca Azalia (2018-08-31)
      La cocina española permite ilustrar la evolución por la constante introducción de alimentos traídos de otros territorios, así como de culturas que se asentaron en su territorio, sin dejar atrás a los que España colonizo, ...
    • Cocina del Pacifico Bajío Y Norte 

      Onofre Sanchez, Jair Emmanuel; Azalia López, Blanca; Pérez Vázquez, Javier (2018-08-31)
      La comida regional de Colima tiene una fusión interesante de lo español y lo indígena. Cuenta con mas de 170 especies diferentes de peces de los cuales el 85% es para consumo humano. En consecuencia que la gran variedad ...
    • Historia de la Gastronomía 

      Corona de la Rosa, Patricia; Flores Barrera, Aura Paulina; Flor Viridiana, Vega Serrano (2018-08-31)
      La Mesopotamia es un territorio asiático, se considera la cuna de la civilización, ya que en ella se desarrollaron los primeros asentamientos humanos permanentes, así como los primeros estados e imperios. En la Mesopotamia ...
    • Los banquetes 

      Corona de la Rosa, Patricia; Espinosa Villegas, Alejandro Daniel; Pérez Vázquez, Javier (2018-08-31)
      Los banquetes han predominado a lo largo de la historia en diversas civilizaciones sin embargo los más representativos son los banquetes de México, Roma y Grecia. Roma es una de las civilizaciones que nos dejo como ...
    • Derivados lácteos (Queso) 

      Ramírez Godínez, Juan; Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Juan Francisco; Onofre Sánchez, Jair Emmanuel (2018-07-01)
      El queso es un producto fresco o maduro, sólido o semisólido, que resulta de la coagulación de la leche por la acción del cuajo u otros coagulantes, seguida del desuerado. El producto resultante es conocido como cuajada, ...
    • Historia de la ciencia 

      Ramos Sánchez, Pedro Alfonso; Pedro Alfonso, Chef Aura Paulina (2018-06-30)
      Evolutionary antecedents of science and the basic concepts, to understand the changes and differences in the scientific thinking.
    • Introducción a la metodología de la investigación 

      Velázquez Castro, Judith Alejandra; Cruz Coria, Erika; Martínez Ramos, Carla (2018-06-30)
      The methodology is an organized, systematic, rigorous way of observing the things of life at different levels and degrees of complexity. There is nothing else that is better than the other.
    • Frequency Adverbs / wh questions 

      Durán Gutiérrez, José Matías (2018-06-30)
      El alumno será capaz de comprender las ideas principales de un discurso oral o escrito acerca de asuntos cotidianos siempre y cuando estos sean expresados de manera simple y clara, para poder intercambiar información ...
    • Organismos Reguladores Gubernamentales y ONG’S (Sustentabilidad Turística, caso SEMARNAT GREENPEACE) 

      Rodríguez del Rosal, Luis (2018-04-01)
      Government agencies and non-governmental organizations are up to analyze the environmental development as well as laws and initiatives for taking care of the biodiversity in Mexico, getting as a result sustainability ...
    • Husos horarios 

      Rodríguez del Rosal, Luis (2018-04-01)
      Timing control is a daily tool we use to know the time all around the world, in tourism we use the time zones to calculate the schedules of flights and the local time in every single country, this tool allows us to ...
    • Denominación de Origen 

      Pichardo Zaragoza, Eva Luz (2017-08-31)
      Origin denomination as a protection and impulse for mexican products which caracteristics that are unique, produce of the places were they were developed as a result of natural factors and human production, allows ...
    • El Autoconocimiento 

      Ángeles Villeda, Antonio de Jesús (2017-08-31)
      Self-knowledge is the result of a reflexive and analytical process, through which a person acquires the notion of his person, that is, recognizes his defects, qualities, emotions and particular characteristics. Self-knowledge ...
    • Características de un Congreso 

      Aceves Chavolla, Olga Gabriela Isabel de la Concepción (2017-05-01)
      In order to understand the purpose of what a congress it is important to know it is characteristics that define it, since it requires a greater organization to operate efficiently the development of the same.
    • Vacante II 

      Vega Lugo, Noemi; Ahumada López, Ernesto R.; Aceves Chavolla, Olga Gabriela Isabel de la Concepción (2017-05-01)
      In Order to start a Recruitment and Selection process it is necessary that there is an empty space, in this subject you will know the concept of vacancy and what area the types of vacancies that we can find.
    • Vacante I 

      Vega Lugo, Noemi; Aceves Chavolla, Olga Gabriela Isabel de la Concepción; Ahumada López, Ernesto R. (2017-05-01)
      Communication being a core part of every social organism, it is extremely important to understand its concept, barriers that prevent it and to identify strategies that facilitate its transmission. The material presented ...
    • Dimensión Cultural 

      González Espinoza, Carolina; Vega Lugo, Noemi; Rodríguez Martínez, José Sergio (2017-05-01)
      In dealing with the topic of Cultural Tourism, we can not overlook its importance in our country, since many of its attractions are ruins or archaeological zones, cultural, artistic and gastronomic expressions that reflect ...
    • Conceptos del Turismo de Reuniones en México. 

      Ahumada López, Ernesto R.; Vega Lugo, Noemi; Aceves Chavolla, Olga Gabriela Isabel de la Concepción (2017-05-01)
      This concept has been modified over the years, according to the different prublic and private organizations, and the business sector, starting as business tourism and from the Secretary of Tourism, defines it as meeting ...
    • Introducción al Estudio del Turismo 

      González Espinoza, Carolina; Vega Lugo, Noemi; Rodríguez Martínez, José Sergio (2017-05-01)
      It is a fact that tourism is of great value for a receiving community, mainly because it means a source of jobs and economic resources, for that reason in this material the study of the identified tourism began its origin ...
    • Investigación Turística 

      Cruz Coria, Erika; Velázquez Castro, Judith Alejandra; Martínez Ramos, Carla (2017-01-01)
      The communication of the results refers to the different means by which the researcher can make known the results of his / her research work. In particular, this presentation addresses the construction of scientific papers.