Importance of epistemology in the consolidation of psychology as a science

Keywords: Philosophy, Knowledge, Scientific method, Evidence-Based Practice


The epistemology is a science, derived from philosophy, which is responsible for studying the theory and fundamentals of scientific method. In other words, the knowledge acquired through a set of steps structured carefully that goes beyond the knowledge acquired through experience. This document takes up the object of study of psychology, addresses the relationship of psychology with empiricist and rationalist epistemology and discusses the way that this discipline have to follow to achieve its consolidation as a science. Finally, we conclude that epistemology is the main tool that psychology has to separate the evidence-based practice and the pseudo-scientific methods without social value.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez-Terán, R., & Cotonieto, E. (2020). Importance of epistemology in the consolidation of psychology as a science. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 8(16), 42-47.

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