Food security and dietary diversity at home, study report in Oaxacan mothers during complementary breastfeeding in babies from 6 to 24 months of age

Keywords: Breastfeeding, Feeding Complement, Food Security, Food diversity


Introduction: The nutrition of mothers and their children is one of the most effective tools to achieve the optimal growth and development of the human being. Objective: To know the level of food and nutritional security of mothers who provided complementary breastfeeding (CML) to babies from 6 to 24 months of age. Method: descriptive, transversal and retrospective design. 46 mothers from Magdalena Tlacotepec and Ixtepec city, Oaxaca. They were interviewed using surveys of the Mexican Food Safety Scale (E.M.S.A.), sociodemographic, Introduction of Complementary Feeding and Dietary Diversity Questionnaire in the Home. Microsoft Office Excel 2013 spreadsheets. Results: Maternal age of 26 years, mostly from Magdalena Tlacotepec with children on average of 17.32 months. 96% had Food Security. The mothers were married, with 2 or more children, 87% lived with 4 or more people at home. 91% of the mothers interviewed lived in their own house, 98% in the house of earthenware. 48% had household appliances. In 93% of households 2 people received a salary, mostly working full-time. In 56% of cases, 4 or more people depended on family income. Fashion school was preparatory. 67% performed housework, 52% had Seguro Popular. The infusions were introduced in the third month as the first drink different from breast milk. 98% had a high food diversity, the group with the highest consumption in the family home was cereals. Conclusions: Sociodemographic observation of 46 mothers who mostly worked in the home, had their own house of concrete, 2 or more children and with popular insurance. The people interviewed had Food Safety, an average for starting complementary feeding at 3 months with homemade infusions and families had High Alimentary Diversity.


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Author Biography

Edú Ortega Ibarra Ortega Ibarra, Universidad del Istmo

PhD in Education Candidate. Master in Food and Nutrition Security. Specialty in Education. Bachelor in Nutrition. Research Professor and Head of Faculty.


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How to Cite
Ortega Ibarra, E. O. I., Osorio Álvarez , X. M., & Ortega Ibarra, I. H. (2021). Food security and dietary diversity at home, study report in Oaxacan mothers during complementary breastfeeding in babies from 6 to 24 months of age. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 9(18), 84-90.

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