Theoretical bases, application, operationalization and measurement of variables in psychology

Keywords: research methodology, variable, construct, instrument, measurement


Variables are central elements in scientific activity, including psychology, however, it can be complex to identify their function and application. The present work aims to provide an overview of the variables from research in the psychological field, delves into the definition of concept, construct and variable; in addition to explaining and exemplifying five classifications of the variables; I) by the number of its securities; II) by its nature; III) by the level of measurement; IV) by the degree of manipulation; V) by its definition; Likewise, it allows us to deepen the importance of the conceptual and operational definition, favoring the understanding of the congruence between the theoretical and empirical level of the variables. Finally, it is concluded that the clarity that a study manifests in its variables is a key point for its planning, execution and communication of results.


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How to Cite
Reyes-Jarquín, K., Bautista-Díaz, M. L., Romero-Palencia, A., & González-Celis Rangel, A. L. M. (2021). Theoretical bases, application, operationalization and measurement of variables in psychology. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 10(19), 70-82.