Anxiety management in dental care in children

Keywords: Anxiety, dental anxiety, child, oral health


Dental anxiety is the feeling of apprehension about dental treatment, which is associated with poor oral health; since it is pointed out by many patients as a reason for not going to the dentist regularly. In such a way that the parents of the pediatric patient have a very important role in dental care, since they are the ones who finally make the decision to take the child to his dental appointment and decide at what age they should do it.

The origin of the problem comes from the pediatric patient's ignorance about what will happen in the consultation, and sometimes it can be the parents themselves who transmit that emotion to their children.


If the dentist is aware of his patient's level of anxiety, then he can take steps to help alleviate anxiety during dental treatment. The dentist must be committed to helping the child patient learn ways to manage this behavior. For this reason, it is necessary to generate a bond of trust with the pediatric patient from the first appointment; the use of techniques and recommendations to reduce anxiety.


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How to Cite
Ruiz Sanchez, A. L., Balderas Delgadillo, C., Monjarás Ávila, A. J., Molina Trinidad, E. M., & Becerril Flores, M. A. (2022). Anxiety management in dental care in children. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 11(21), 130-138.

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