Human talent management and innovation in the hotel sector. The case of Real del Monte, Hidalgo

Keywords: Talent management, innovation, hotel sector, tourism


This research addresses the importance of innovation for talent management in the hotel sector of Real de Monte, Hidalgo. It should be noted that studies are still scarce in the field of tourism companies since few focus their attention on this field. Therefore, the objective was to identify the importance of innovation in talent management and its impact on lodging establishments in Real del Monte, Hidalgo, to redirect business action to improve the competitiveness of Real del Monte, Hidalgo, Mexico.

It finds out what qualities make a place conducive to innovation and how organizations should incorporate these considerations into their talent management strategy. For this reason, 11 structured surveys were applied to the professionals responsible for said establishments. The results showed that all the hotels in the area do not belong to a hotel chain, that is, they are independent; In addition, they do not apply talent management strategies; It is also confirmed that there is a positive relationship between talent management and innovation. Based on this analysis, an improvement proposal is made for the management of talent and innovation for the hotel sector of the place. It is concluded that local hotels do not correctly include talent management strategies within their practices, considering that this causes them a cost and not a benefit. Therefore, it is important to implement talent and innovation management practices since they contribute and promote the generation of value for the organization.


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How to Cite
Romero Mendoza, A., & Velázquez Castro, J. A. (2024). Human talent management and innovation in the hotel sector. The case of Real del Monte, Hidalgo. Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Atotonilco De Tula, 11(21), 7-16.