The dimensions of sex and the theory of holons as a systemic model of sexuality.

Keywords: Sex, sexualities, dimensions, gender, holons, systemic model


The expressions, practices and experiences of sexuality constitute inherent aspects of the human being, for some, it is an inexhaustible source of pleasure, acceptance, fantasy and satisfaction, for others, the majority, it is a reason for conflicts, dissatisfactions, frustrations and dysfunctions of various kinds. nature. The expression of sexuality determines the development as sexual beings, through the dimensions of sex and sexuality, which are permeated in gender relations, gender identity and preference, role and sexual role, affective bonding, reproduction and integration. Holonic, its experience is experienced in different thoughts, fantasies, values, beliefs and attitudes, as well as in previous experiences and references, in such a way that the expression of sexuality encompasses these components as a result of a complex network, which interacts and is permanently modified, given its dynamic nature. In more extended terms, sexuality corresponds to a set of conditions and patterns that include biomedical, psychological, philosophical, anthropological, affective, social, cultural, legal and religious aspects that characterize each person, whose integration and connection is contained in the holon theory, as part of the systemic model of sexuality.


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How to Cite
CAMACHO Y LOPEZ, S. M., Martínez Campos, J. F., Padrón Arce, A., Chávez Martínez, L. C., Rivera Suarez, E. E., & Martínez López, A. (2024). The dimensions of sex and the theory of holons as a systemic model of sexuality. Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Atotonilco De Tula, 11(21), 22-29.

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