Gen Z tourist perception of corporate social responsibility of the tourism industry

Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Business Studies, Tourism


Strategy is the creation of a unique and valuable position in the market, which translates into market differentiation. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a differentiating practice for companies that integrate actions into their processes to transform a social problem into an economic opportunity. However, the perception of corporate social responsibility depends on particular aspects of consumers, in this case, the generational aspects will influence the perception of CSR. This study aims to determine the population's perception of the corporate social responsibility of companies in the tourism sector in the Riviera Maya. The results indicated that Generation's Z population perceives that social responsibility and economic responsibility variables influence CSR in companies in the tourism industry


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How to Cite
Lima Vargas, A. E., López González, L. E., Chan Tuyub, F. J., Vega Cadena, U. J., & Lima Vargas, S. (2024). Gen Z tourist perception of corporate social responsibility of the tourism industry. Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Atotonilco De Tula, 11(22), 14-21.