Information and Communication Technologies and the Digital Divide: A new form of social exclusion

Keywords: Technology, digitalization, development, digital divide


Lorem Let's start by understanding that technology is any knowledge, skill or competence that can be used systematically to achieve a specific objective. On the other hand, technological innovation refers to the incorporation of new technologies to improve changes in production, in business and in new forms of work. Then, companies are related in a technological and global world, whose modality is digitalization, networking and hyper connection that allows people located anywhere in the world to be a customer or user of goods and services immediately. Digitization offers companies development and efficiency, this is a reality that causes the rhythms of each organization at the time of adopting it to be very different, being able to produce dysfunctions within the company during the process. In other words, while technology changes very rapidly, organizations can not always follow the same pace, and that is precisely when the digital divide in the company itself occurs.


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How to Cite
Hernández-Gracia, J. F., Avendaño – Hernández, V., & Buitrón – Ramírez, H. A. (2019). Information and Communication Technologies and the Digital Divide: A new form of social exclusion. Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Atotonilco De Tula, 6(11), 32-36.