100% pure cow's milk cheese. Case: micro family cheese factory "Yebrima"

  • Clara Carison - Morales Universidad Linda Vista
  • Yennifer Estrada Tovar Universidad Linda Vista
Keywords: Family cheese factory,, 100% pure cow's milk,, diagnosis.


The production of artisanal cheese in family businesses in Mexico, and especially in Chiapas, is an activity that is carried out because in some rural areas, there is availability of the raw material, which is 100% pure cow's milk. Many families make their own food for self-consumption and sometimes market some of it, and this is how many homes have a basic source of income. That is part of the beginning of the history of the family micro cheese factory “Yebrima”. Interested in improving, she has performed diagnostic analysis to discover her points to improve, maintain and sustain day by day.


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How to Cite
Carison - Morales, C., & Estrada Tovar , Y. (2020). 100% pure cow’s milk cheese. Case: micro family cheese factory "Yebrima". Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Atotonilco De Tula, 7(13), 22-24. https://doi.org/10.29057/esat.v7i13.5289