Perception in the implementation of educational management models in higher education institutions

Keywords: Educational Management,, Strategic Management,, Management Models,, Comparative Analysis,, Educational Projects.


This article shows the results in the perception of students enrolled in three institutions of higher education, during the stage of implementation of an educational management model that allows to favor the institutional operation, specifically in the processes of admission, permanence, graduation and qualification.

Through this document, it is intended to publicize the way in which methods and procedures were applied according to the problems presented in educational institutions, in educational management processes, in order to obtain benefits in their application environment .

The lack of follow-up of educational institutions, as well as the presence of students with an income profile that is far from the required one, have led students to develop with poor educational management processes, which leads to innovating in their nature with the purpose of strengthening its application.

For this, an non-experimental, quantitative, transversal, descriptive and correlational methodology was used, which is supported by a comparative analysis of good practices in higher education institutions, whose results serve as a prototype to follow to generate a comprehensive institutional educational management model, which strengthens the daily operation of the institutions that adopt it.

The results obtained in the implementation of the elements that make up the integral institutional model of educational management for higher education institutions are presented, where the main actors of the teaching and learning process participated: managers, teachers and students.


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How to Cite
Olguín Guzmán , E., & Fallas Garro , A. L. (2020). Perception in the implementation of educational management models in higher education institutions. Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Atotonilco De Tula, 7(13), 48-56.