Identification of adverse labor effects generated by distorted thinking in collaborators between 23 and 45 years of age in the operating areas of 3 companies in the Tula-Atitalaquia industrial zone in the State. From Hidalgo, from the pandemic generated b

Impact of the pandemic derived from covid-19

Keywords: Distorted thinking, Adverse labor effects


In this work, some pertinent insights related to the review prior to the research, are the problem to study (object of study) the work disabilities caused by irrational thoughts, the variable fear (of contagion) as a dependent variable, the cut of the research (quantitative), literature or theoretical bases, both from previous research on the effects of pandemics, even though they had not been presented in recent years with the force and potential of scope as the current one.

The objectives of concentrating the results and focusing them from the possible immediate attention by professionals in psychology, the context of application of the instrument under the conditions indicated by the safety and hygiene policies of the 3 companies and the federal and state regulations that They have arisen in response to the growing number of contagion in previous days, as well as the population and the access to it.


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How to Cite
Lara Abad , G. E., Baca Salinas , J., & Reyes Mendoza , L. G. (2021). Identification of adverse labor effects generated by distorted thinking in collaborators between 23 and 45 years of age in the operating areas of 3 companies in the Tula-Atitalaquia industrial zone in the State. From Hidalgo, from the pandemic generated b. Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Atotonilco De Tula, 8(15), 67-71.