Vicissitudes of couples from Hidalgo during and after living the stage of the Empty Nest

Keywords: empty nest, emotions and feelings, coping strategies, relationship styles, support networks


The objective of this research was to identify, understand, categorize and relate the personal experiences of parents with children who have begun their process of family independence or who are already completely independent. The methodological techniques used were documentary research for the creation of the Theoretical Framework, as well as the semi-structured individual interview technique. A non-probabilistic convenience sample of 12 married couples living in the State of Hidalgo was used. The instrument used for this research was a semi-structured interview from which an analysis and interpretation of the opinions and experiences shared by the participants was carried out.

The results show that, at the moment a child arrives in the couple's life, the dynamics are modified, taking two possible paths, the union of the couple or a notable estrangement. It was also found, through the discourse of most of the participants, a marked machismo that has defined the roles of each father in the upbringing of their children. As for the empty nest phase, predominant emotions and feelings such as loneliness, sadness and pain are expressed. The main supports in this process for the participants were friends and religious groups. Positive changes are noted within the relationship as well as with the children.

It is concluded that the symptoms and emotions that occur most frequently in parents with empty nest syndrome are: loneliness, sadness and isolation, in lesser amounts there are also feelings of abandonment, personal emptiness as at home, pain in the body, anguish, concern, memories, anger and crying. The coping strategies used by the participants are flight and avoidance as well as self-control. An ambivalent-anxious bonding style was found in the participating mothers, while a secure-type style was found in the fathers. Support networks are usually the basis for correct coping with empty nest syndrome.


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How to Cite
Caballero, A., Escobar-Torres, J. G., & Herrera-Mijangos, S. N. (2023). Vicissitudes of couples from Hidalgo during and after living the stage of the Empty Nest . Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Atotonilco De Tula, 10(19), 1-9.